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Yeah, bitch! Magnets! Ohh! Breaking Bad 5.01

Fans of Breaking Bad everywhere have had a year to wonder what would happen after the dramatic explosion that was the end of season 4.  Finally, on Sunday, July 15th 2012, the first episode of season 5 aired. Everyone who had been wondering what Walt would do after the explosion finally got the answer; he grew a beard, changed his name and went to Denny's to celebrate.  Oh wait, that's just something that we now know will happen at some point in the future.  Walt, or as he will go by in the future, Mr. Lambert, will spend his 52nd birthday at Denny's where he will meet up with Mike to do some elusive business deal.  Cue in the "OMG, is Walt in witness protection?" type questions.  At least we know that  Walt lives to see his 52nd birthday. In this flash-forward scene, Walt meets Jim Beaver, who sold him a gun in season 4, in the bathroom where it looks like they're about to do a shady drug deal.  Instead, the gun salesman gives Walt keys to a car.  Walt op