
PLL: The Motive Behind The Game: Jason & CeCe

LONG (I warned you): PLL Theory: The Motive Behind The Game: Jason & CeCe When Jason found out from Emily that CeCe said that she thought that Wilden got Ali pregnant and then killed Ali, then learned that CeCe lied and said she did not know Wilden, he started speculating about something interesting. His IMMEDIATE suspicion was that CeCe had her "own thing going on" with Wilden. Emily asks him why CeCe would lie, why she'd want to protect him. Jason does not buy that CeCe wanted to protect him at all; he says that CeCe was probably protecting HERSELF. then he wonders if CeCe had plans to meet up with him on the night Ali disappeared, which at the time Jason refers to as "the night Ali died." It's interesting that his mind goes there immediately, without Emily saying anything remotely negative about CeCe. Then we see the infamous flashback of Drunk Jason on that night. He says he saw Melissa and CeCe arguing and in the flashback, that IS CeCe's vo

Check out the new stuff on my other blog!

Make sure to come check out  my other blog  ! It has a completely new look and new features too. There are character criminal rap sheets and entertaining law quotes in addition to my regular broken laws recaps! Check out my latest Revenge entertaining law quote too! It's a funny one by Nolan ;)

"I'm doing this because I love you" PLL theory

"I'm doing this because I love you" PLL theory - About Melissa being in charge of "the game"  Ian said "I'm doing this because I love your sister" to Spencer right before he TRIED TO KILL HER... And there is no doubt in my mind that that's what Ian was trying to do; that was his motive and he said it out loud.. I'm emphasizing this because it's weird. Melissa argued with Spencer a LOT, yes... But why would Melissa's husband need to prove his love to her by KILLING her sister? Is it because of Spencer and Ian's kiss? Perhaps Melissa has MAJOR jealousy issues to the point that Ian felt the need to kill any girl with whom he cheated on Melissa. Maybe he already knew about Melissa's issues and was scared of what Melissa might do if he didn't kill Spencer. And perhaps the reason he knew this is because that's the way he had to prove his love for Melissa in the past... when he cheated on her with Alison. Maybe he tri

You Have Interesting Eyes My Dear... Ali's Eyes On The New PLL Poster Mini-Theory

*Photo Credit goes to the main PLL page as well as the many fan pages who have shared this picture* Am I the only one who noticed that Alison's eyes were recently focused on in an ending scene that seemed eerily like the old "black hoodie black gloves A scenes," and now her eyes are smack in the middle of the "A" in the poster? The scene I'm referring to, by the way, is the one where Ali was reading the comments online from when she was "dead/missing," and the camera zoomed WAY in on her eyes at the very end of the episode. "A" having interesting eyes has been an old theme of the show at this point, and I find it interesting that Ali's eyes were emphasized during a would-be "A" ending scene (if those had been happening more often). Also, if we're to assume that Ali's eyes were the ones we saw in the Ravenswood lair when the girls were led there, then that's another seemingly A-related scene focusing on Ali&

Emily Thorne's Criminal Rap Sheet

Check out my other blog to see the criminal rap sheet for Emily Thorne from season 1A of Revenge!

Ali's Pretty Little Scar/ Twin Theory on PLL

This is a theory based on episode 5x04 of Pretty Little Liars. I think Ali's scar could be from the night that Ali crashed Spencer and Emily's sleepover to avoid Jason and his party guests. She seemed very shaken up that night, we saw her crying, and this was never explained. Ali had a similar tone in tonight's episode when Hanna asked her about the scar. If I am right about that scar originating from the night that Ali crashed Spencer and Emily's sleepover, then that night would also be an interesting time for a twin switch IF the show did decide to take the twin storyline from the books. *I know that the writers have said that Ali does not have a twin, but they obviously wouldn't tell us if she did.* It's semi out of character for Alison to have left a party like that, upset and seeming afraid. The Ali we know hung out with an older crowd all the time and had no problems that. Also, before Ali arrived, Spencer and Emily were discussing Jason's part

PLL broken laws update!

Check out my newest post on my other blog.. It's a broken laws recap of PLL episode 5x03 (with reference to 5x02)! Click here to see it!