
Why TOBY might have thrown the rock at Ali on PLL ~Theory~

A fan on my facebook page,  sent me a few questions about the possibility of Toby being the person who threw the rock at Ali, as we saw somebody do in the season 4 finale of "Pretty Little Liars." While we wait for PLL to return tomorrow night, I figured I'd post those questions and my answers/opinions here! *FAN Q&A with Noelene Peters. My answers are in bold. Please weigh in, in the comments!* . . . . "There are a lot of Theories going around that A and the person that hit Ali are two different ppl I think Toby is the one that hit Ali he may have thanked her for saving him from Jenna because he didn't want Ali to catch on to him that he hates her and her friends (in a flash black Ali went to see him and he told her he wish he knew who sent the notes so he can join and help) I think Toby is helping A from season one and he has never been a good guy."  Regarding the juvie flashback and Toby removing himself from Ali's suspect list-- Acco

Revenge entry # 2

Hey guys, for those who watch "Revenge," I did my next broken laws recap for it on my other blog. It can be found  here  and you should definitely check it out! I also wrote a PLL theory about Toby that I'll post on here, and will have more PLL posts since the show comes back tomorrow!

The Broken Laws of Revenge

Hey guys, I know that it's been way too long since I posted in this blog and I'm sorry for that! I wanted to let you know that over at my other blog (tv recaps+ broken laws), I've officially started covering ABC's hit show "Revenge," and I posted my first entry. Check it out here!  Thanks guys, I really appreciate everybody who reads my work! ~Aly~

I Know What You Did..To Toby's Mom & Ali -PLL Theory

--This theory involves the TV show PLL/Pretty Little Liars. It explores the possibility that Jessica DiLaurentis protecting the person who threw the rock at Ali is RELATED TO TOBY'S MOTHER'S DEATH.--  ~features: Wilden, Jessica, Peter Hastings, Ali, Jason, blackmail & more~ Let's think about what we know about Jessica DiLaurentis aside from her creepiness. We know that she saw who threw the rock at Alison in attempt to kill her. Additionally, instead of calling the police like your average mother would do in this situation, that Jessica buried Alison in her backyard. There has to be a good reason that Jessica didn't call the police, and maybe it's because a police officer was already present at the scene of the crime. Perhaps Wilden threw the rock at Alison. A lot of fans are assuming that since Jessica chose to protect the person who threw the rock at Ali, that the person must be someone related to and/or very close to Jessica. However, we could be dealing

Votes/ suggestions needed

This is regarding my tv and broken laws blog which I know some of you read: Here is a list of shows that have been suggested the most times for me to add to my broken laws blog. I am going to watch them and see what I think, because I need to like them to write about them, but PLEASE comment with a vote for one on this list OR a show that's not on this list that you think should be. NOTE: I am not planning to add another abc family show at this time because I want to expand my audience. I need your help with this decision! Thank you. :)  Revenge Scandal Sons of anarchy The following Homeland House of cards  Fargo Crisis The wire The 100 (never heard of this one) TVD  Supernatural  Comment with your votes/ a show you think I missed!